Tuesday, 31 July 2012

sometimes there are not enough hours in the day

I did the asana {sun salutation}  i only had time for this  today this is why.

 i cleaned the house, took Harriet my shih-tzu Maltese cross and my hubby for an hours walk and did some washing etc.
 so sometimes there are not enough hours in the day to do a complete yoga workout.

the{ sun salutation}  or prayer to the morning sun as it is known. is acceptable.
the sun salutation helps with

diaphragmic breathing.

stretches every limb and mussel in your body
and  gives you a sense of peace in body and mind.


however, it is always better to  make time to do a
full yoga workout.
                                                                           photo by chelle green

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

practice what you preach

i have not  been able to do yoga for a week
due to an ear infection caused by the elements of winter
 and the stresses of everyday life.
i told my friends i had been stressed lately, and
i got the suprise of my life when they repeated word for word
one of the posts i had written on my blog
so what they are saying  is practice what i preach.
but iam only human and we all slip up every now and then.   : -)

scented oil burner

{photo by chelle green}Posted by Picasa


{photo by chelle green}Posted by Picasa

meditating monk

{photo by chelle green}Posted by Picasa

sleeping buddha

{photo by chelle green}Posted by Picasa

Saturday, 14 July 2012

relaxing with yoga

yoga is meant to be peformed in a peaceful place without  distraction.
to put one in a relaxed peace of mind.
one can create a peaceful atmosphere by

playing a relaxation CD, by burning  your favourite incense stick or by burning your favourite oil in your oil burner.

however there are always distractions in this busy world that we live in.
therefore you need to develop a switch off technique for example i can block all the sounds out by relaxing my whole body and putting myself in a meditative state.so they don't become a problem while doing my asanas {positions}.
it you cant. you will in time.
another example,
my husband James mentally says his transcendental meditation mantra to enable him to block out the noises of everyday life.

Monday, 9 July 2012

why harmony you ask

harmony in every ones mind means peace.
yoga  has two meanings

one is unity and the other is harmony that is what yoga brings.
and you become one with oneself {unity}
hatha  has two meanings
{HA} meaning  sun the masculine energy and {THA} meaning moon feminine energy.
these energies we all possess  it's just a matter of tapping into these known energies and becoming one that brings peace in this busy demanding world.
if you start a yoga routine you will notice everything in your life wont be as bad you will be able to take everything in your stride and deal with  whatever is thrown at you.
you will  also notice.

you have less anger from  within.
and feel happiness and joy.
we neglect ourselves too much.
i have been told over and over to look after oneself first instead of putting myself last.
i have taken this on board  and am doing just that. here's some advice .
 why  don't you do the same pamper yourself do something for yourself  i know you will be better for it.
as i am  your family and friends will notice a difference and in time so will you.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

is yoga all that' it's cracked up to be

i have done an experiment on myself to see if yoga really works.
or is it just all whoop la.?
is yoga really all that it is  cracked up to be?
is it all in your mind or does yoga really work?
i have given yoga a miss for a couple of days and have noticed i have become restless at night
i haven't been able to sleep
i have been more stressed and my anxiety and depression levels are up.
this is how yoga has worked for me
less stressed
can sleep at night.
depression and anxiety levels have dropped
my restlessness  stops and my feet don't play up either.
i have noticed only after a short time my abdomen is slowly pulling in
and my upper body strength and my flexibility has improved immensely
from getting up off the floor with a groan to getting up with the greatest of ease
it just shows you yoga does work.
in every way it calms the body  from the inside and out these are my findings.
 to me yoga is all it's cracked up to be and more.
try yoga for yourself.
what are your findings?
tell us what yo think we would  love to know
 drop us  a line on schoolofharmoniyoga.blogspot.com

Friday, 6 July 2012

osteo arthritis and yoga

i was diagnosed with osteo arthritis in the feet in 09 with thr right medical treatment and being diagnosed early. im doing ok my dr recomended  yoga i do get cramps in my feet and sometimes like last night  they keep me up all night.
but i have noticed  since keeping  up with  the yoga my feet are a lot better they feel like they felt before developing osteo arthritis.
becideds my yoga workout my dr has given me some exersises  to do  to eleivate the pain and they are.

walking on the heels  of your feet.

raising yourself onto your toes and back down again.

standing with your arch onto a step and stepping up and down.

all of these foot exercises i do in sets of 10
but i started with 1 set of each of these.
all baby steps until you get to your desired  number.

the medications i take are a combination of natural and medical they are

evening primrose oil 2000mg

fish oil  3000mg.

magnesium 500mg.

vitamine D 800  IU

caltrate plus 1200mg.

panadol osteo  1330mg {three  times a day}

all my doses are within the safe limits and all recommended
always seek the advice of your DR and chemist before taking any natural or prescribed medication

i also have bed socks  and slippers on my feet at all times or thongs in the summer with this condition  i can never walk on the bare floor again without some form of foot ware.
as well as keeping a healthy weight the more you put on with oesto arthritis  or any form of arthritis the worse you will be.
all this helps for a happy pain free life.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

old has now become new

I'm pampering myself today, with a green face mask, and later my yoga workout.
i will tell you later how i went today.
my yoga workout went well and i feel wonderful
tomorrow i will be doing yoga with a friend of mine since i have been doing yoga longer i will be at an advanced pace that is the great thing about yoga whatever level you are in yoga it doesn't matter as long as you are comfortable. that is all that matters.
my yoga workout with my friend went well i went at my pace and she went at hers it  was hard because her dog and mine were playing in between us we were trying to be serious  but couldn't because of them we were
laughing our heads off but still got through anyway.
because my friend is older than me we concentrated  on her balance she has good balance just a bit rusty that's all some of the asanas {positions} were more advanced . she did  the ones her physio recommended her to do they are yoga positions anyway.
the funny thing is yoga is thousands of years old it predates Christianity. and is slowly creeping into the medical community.
they are slowly realising that yoga works and that the old has now become new.