Friday, 30 November 2012

a long road to recovery

Eight months ago James had  the 2nd half of a major knee operation completed
as written  in previous posts. The first part was done because of septicaemia
resulting in the artificial knee being removed, as well  as the spikes into the femur and the tibia being  removed .
Resulting in James  spending  sixteen days in hospital and Having his knee joint out for  five months,
whilst  receiving  mega doses  of antibiotics  which resulted in him loosing  strength  in his upper leg muscles.

this resulting in his immune system being compromised
we had to get James's immune system  back up.
So we changed our diet . which was approved by our DR , and this is how  the common  sense diet was born.And because of this  his immune system is now back on track.

it has been a hard time for all of us  but for James  especially, it has been a very  difficult road back to recovery, but he is getting there  so much so  James doesn't need physio anymore and has been cleared
to do some yoga poses, James now has to start from scratch  and that is exactly what James is doing.
James, when not doing yoga does the physio  exercises that he was given .
sometimes  he looks like he is doing the cancan  and i have to tell him to slow down.
And he wonders why he is  sore  afterwards .
I cant believe how well he has done  I don't know if i would be that brave.


to help make scaring disappear  use vitamin e  cream it works like magic

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