Monday, 18 June 2012

operation to recovery

my husband James is a yoga teacher and has been for many years.
as well as a Pranic  healer and  a student of Qi- gong.
all things were going well until he had to have a total knee replacement in 2007
things went from bad to worse with two knee infections and five knee operations and chronic pain.
resulting  in having to have an operation to take out  the  artificial joint that had failed  and replace it.
This led to not having a joint for five months and kept straight in a splint .
while on a large dose of antibiotics.
this resulted in waisting of the leg muscles.
it is now 2012 and three months  since his final operation and James is now on a rehabilitation programme.
which involves hydrotherapy,physiotherapy and hatha yoga.
already the physiotherapist cant believe the range of movement in the leg muscles .
James told the physiotherapists he has been practising yoga for many years they said that is why he has
a better range of movement than most.

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