Thursday, 27 April 2017

Back into the 21st century

hi all , we have been connected to  a  new internet system.
 its called the{ NBN}  National  broadband network .
what a drama !!  its like you need a degree just to get everything connected !
then we had to wait even longer, for  our  internet server to switch it on !
this is all  how it came about.
we received  a new modem or gateway as they like to call it , and a new phone in the post.
the instructions  in with the package to connect everything were easy enough. so we thought , how wrong we  were! weeks went past  still no internet  how frustrating!  I felt like pulling my hair out . I'm surprised I'm not bald !! finally  we had had enough  and got our computer guy out , he said we needed  a wireless gadget  , don't ask me the name  ,I have no idea  James went out , brought  what we needed,  our computer guy  installed  it , and hey  presto !!!!
we are back into the 21st century !!!!
we hated being  offline for so long, now you will be seeing more of us and you know what , we cant wait .


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