Thursday, 5 January 2017

new begininnings

 2016  has been a yell year, for us and for a lot of other people , I think that's what 2016 will be known as .
 I know I haven't written in a while, as  we have taken an emotional  beating  this year.
 being emotionally bullied has taken its toll  on both of us it has not been fun .
 so  I  put my foot  down.   no more emotional bullying  ever again we would have a good Christmas and that's what we did .
we both   spoilt  each  other rotten.  . James my lovely  wonderful hubby brought me a foot spa  how spoilt am I ! and I brought James the  Leonard Cohen album,  you want it darker . and binging on chocolate and favourite chips ! just glorious this time of year .
on boxing day  I watched a special called  Robbie  Williams at the Palladium.
 it was great , what a showman he is just  brilliant .
 now I  digress. yes I have  binged and why not .it is the festive season and all.
I just said to James, we haven't gone overboard with the food,we have had enough for Christmas and boxing day, I cooked a roast chicken, and James bought ham, and I made  a Greek salad and a potato salad  . yum!  I made just enough for two meals. so you see  you can have a lovely time without overdoing it, I'm proud of us this year.  actually I'm proud of my family every year.
and we still have some nibbles left over.  can you believe it ! we cant
so  think of this year as new beginnings we are .


 photos by james and chelle green

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