Thursday, 15 January 2015

how hatha yoga helps with dyslexia

 I thought I would do a  post on how good hatha yoga is good for dyslexia .
 so I researched or tried to  but almost everything I came  across was so difficult to  read/ understand  it was like you needed  a degree just to read it !
so I have decided to  experiment  on myself  since I am dyslexic  I thought  why not.
I have most of what dyslexia brings such as learning difficulties ,Anxiety, depression,  problems with concentration  trouble  with direction ,reading maps etc  coordination problems , clumsiness, problems with balance mind going 100 miles  an hour  in my case  I do not have AD HD  but it does pop up in some cases but I must point out that no two people with dyslexia are alike and each have their  own unique  qualities and talents  its never dull living with  a person with dyslexia  actually its an adventure .
dyslexia is  not something you can catch  it is something you are born with  not something that is made up  or doesn't exist  because  dyslexia does  and its very real  and this is what  some people in society fail to realise .  for example this actually happened to me.

"I was out with friends so I thought. it was getting late so one of them offered to drive me home  it was raining and dark my sense of direction is shot so got  confused  on which street  to turn down, this woman  got so cross at me she had me in tears  and I told her I have dyslexia  her response  was but you look so normal . I was  in shock and I thought to myself well  what am I supposed to look like green with warts,  with seven eyes, and a hump no!" I haven't spoken to her since" 
and I am better for it  people who are ignorant like this need  to be pitied  for their lack  of  understanding and lack of education  on dyslexia .
people with dyslexia  are the same  as everyone else. we have something people cannot see hatha yoga is the original  form  of yoga  and over the years different types of yoga have  come out of  it  james and I choose to do hatha yoga.
hatha yoga  and other varieties  of yoga  all have the same result.
I have  heard yoga is said to help people with dyslexia how cool is that ! I already know hatha yoga  helps me  relax  keeps me focused   and helps me sleep apparently
hatha yoga also can help with concentration, anxiety depression, balance, and the eye exercises in hatha yoga is  said to help with reading.
   yoga   with  mediation is also  said to help those with AD HD  and to rest the dyslexic mind 
 so as of today  my  yoga experiment  will begin. I will keep you  updated on my progress through the coming weeks

always  consult your doctor before doing  any forms of exercise



Sunday, 4 January 2015

yoga took a back seat while indulging in chritmas and new years

 well it's the start of the new year and we hope everyone had a beautiful  Christmas and brought in the new year safely.
James and I had a lovely time over Christmas everything happening  all at once anniversaries , birthdays and Christmas .  I was spoilt rotten as usual but we never forgot the meaning of Christmas. I  over indulged  on  chips, dips, and  chocolate . it was pure heaven   all the naughty things ! James however was more composed . you see everything came to a grinding holt  it being so hectic   helping Santa out with presents  decorating the house etc.
 now however it's back to being disciplined, this is going to take some doing  its going to be so hard  I will be craving all the naughty things for some time , I always do  after  the  silly season and new years celebrations  are over  , that's why we usually don't have such  naughty things  in the house ! James

and I are terrible  for any kind of sweet  things  they are gone in a flash faster than the speed of light you might say
now is the time to get myself back into shape  it's amazing  how leaving  hatha yoga for a few weeks and going off your normal  diet changes your body, your bodies fat goes into all the wrong places  and you just feel yuck!
once you  restart your hatha yoga  workout and your healthy way of eating  your bodies fat will slowly go back to where it should  be  and you will start to feel a lot better in yourself
