bitter feuds,moving away, and watching loved ones deteriorate from a debilitating or terminal illness
. month by month year by year seeing this for the well members of the family is a heartbreaking thing
a constant grief . when the end is near for the family member who is ill
make sure you make your peace and say everything you need to say before the person passes
i did this and am so glad i did. we all think we are prepared but actually we are not .
you see it is like a waiting game a vicious, evil one that plays with your mind,body and spirit , yoga can help and does. and no i am not capitalizing on grief , this as the other posts i have written in here are all from personal experience
yoga makes you stronger emotionally ,physically, and mentally so you can cope better in tough times
such as these so when you think you are alone you are not .
it makes me think back on my life and i wonder why did it take me so long to find yoga
back then ! but obviously it was not meant to be .
i had to go through all these experiences to find yoga
now that i have yoga in my life i wouldn't be without it , yoga has helped me through so much
over the years knowing yoga is there and how it makes me feel is wonderful
it helps you live in the now! i cant describe it how or what yoga is it just is
don't they say your life has already been written out for you.
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