this is where women go to get help for a range of issues
when a woman came up to me and asked if she could do Reiki on me.
i am the biggest skeptic you have ever come across until it happens to me.
i declined politely but she insisted so i thought i would humor her i invited her back to my house
i had to get a glass of water on her instruction drank it i sat down and away she went.
i didn't tell her anything about where my aches and pains were but she found them alright !
and i haven't had them since now i am a believer i was so impressed i did two Reiki courses and have become a Reiki practitioner . no Reiki is not raking the lawn as many people think
and is not a form of massage as it is classed under .
Reiki is all on it's own . Reiki is solely based on the universal flow of energy which the Reiki practitioner taps into and then channeled to the client. the Reiki practitioner is purely the trained instrument for the universal flow i have loved every minute of it you see Reiki does not just benefit the client it also benefits the practitioner
the universe is an amazing thing i feel so relaxed and go into my own space all the while doing the Reiki treatment which takes an hour to complete Reiki is here to relieve not to heal this is what i was taught some believe Reiki heals but that is their beliefs not mine .
this is where Reiki comes in . Reiki not only works on the clients unbalanced energy but also on the seven major chakras we have in our bodies the client comes to us to get a jump start or kick start if you like so everything works in sync
the seven major chakras are.
{1} the crown chakra {on top of head} ultra violet
{2}the third eye { in between the eyes} purple
{3} the communication chakra {the throat} blue
{4} love chakra {the heart} green with purple flecks
{5}perception chakra {the solar plexus yellow
{6}sacral chakra {above pubic bone } orange
{7} the base root chakra {base of spine} red
if you want to have a Reiki treatment make sure he/she is a reputable Reiki practitioner because there is some con artists out there who have too much ego and base Reiki on this which you must never do i have always said do your homework you will be better for it that way your Reiki experience will be a good one.
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