Thursday, 4 September 2014

back troubles with weeds

 hi all , I haven't  been on for a while because I  put my back out gardening
well weeding actually.  here in Australia we have a weed  called kooch , it looks like grass  but it isn't  and it grows everywhere and I mean everywhere . once you let it take off it takes off and you have to dig it out , well I thought I would be lazy I bent over and started  pulling the kooch with both hands when something went  in my back the kooch didn't even budge ! so have had to take it very easy for two painful weeks.
I have been tearing my hair out not being able to do my yoga.
I thought I had come right finally ! last night. but have aggravated my back by moving a very full rubbish bin  I should have left it for James  but thought no ! I can do it. James abruptly told me off and said I should have left it for him  James has been wonderful  doing everything I cant  and just letting me put my feet up all the while  James himself is not feeling well  and not saying one word, I am so lucky and grateful to have a husband like James.  Harriet has been helping to in her own little way
when my back is right I will start  yoga slowly not like a bull at a gate
because I don't want to be back at square one
I miss yoga very much will be back in no time

there is a saying patience is a virtue



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