Thursday, 31 October 2013

Halloween already

well it is that time of year again Halloween a day of creepy fun an excuse to play dress ups for all ages
 to eat loads and loads of lollies and candy .
but Halloween didn't start out that way.
Halloween or hallow e'en  also known as hallows eve is actually a time for remembering the dead such as martyrs, saints and our dearly departed.
Halloween originally  was started by the Celtics and pagans Halloween dates back to about 1745 it comes from the Scottish term for all hallows eve and was known to be the first and most important days

 in the Gaelic calendar
it was introduced  in america by the Celtic and Gaelic communities that had immigrated there Halloween has noting to do with witches as it is to be believed. i all this time believed it was  the witches new year  and they dressed themselves up to fool the spirits  that were after them the humble jack-o'-lantern represents the spirits  or the goblin they were common in parts of Ireland and the Scottish highlands as well as somerset in the 19th century.  in the 20th century it had spread to parts of England and became known as the

happy Halloween!


Tuesday, 29 October 2013

yoga how much is to much

my mums worried about me doing to much yoga!
you know how mums are,how they worry about their children no matter how old you are,
in their eyes you will always be their baby. so i thought i should research her question
how much yoga is to much and what i have found will put her mind at ease.
i choose to do yoga everyday but if i am busy twice a week.
they class yoga as a sport these days which is completely absurd  and people treat it as such this is where the danger comes in when people push themselves to far and cause injuries to such an extent, where it is
lifelong and may need medical intervention in the future.
there are yoga classes held in rooms that are heated this is extremely bad for ones health it is also  not advisable  to use weights while doing yoga
now this is too much !
yoga is not meant to be like this the yoga i know and love is hatha yoga.
what people seem to forget is that yoga is to help not to hinder
not to wreck your body but to sculpt and bring balance to you and your body
yoga is not a punishment .
yoga is not a competition .
yoga is meant to be done peacefully and gently
yoga is not meant to hurt you in anyway
yoga is meant to repair you from the inside out,
there is only one true form of yoga and that is  hatha,
accept yoga for what it is  it just is.