Sunday, 15 September 2013

for the love of yoga

well iam coming along nicely with my journey with yoga.
i am feeling more alive than ever, my joints are more flexible and i am feeling more peaceful by the day
i still have trouble with some asanas/ poses which i find rather frustrating, but i have to remember it all takes time.
and practice, practice, practice, as they say!
 and that is exactly what i do Harriet  is even joining in our shih- tzu  Maltese x  .
we use a  collection of yoga reference  books and DVD's , the  DVD  i frequently use and love is
 spirit of yoga {beginners/ intermediates} it is just right for me
i have learned so much about my body with yoga and how to listen to it and be more in-tune with myself,
i have learned to be more patient with myself and that i just cant jump in and start at an advanced level of yoga. the beginning is always best  . i have also learnt  to move with my body not fight against it go with the flow as they say.
there is a lot more i have to learn for example
recently a friendship has been lost this was a curve ball i didn't see coming and i have been evaluating
how i should be, i have been feeling sad, alone, and so extremely flat.
being chewed up and spat out is a horrible feeling to have it is a total betrayal of what friendship is.
and has only made my depression worse. but there are some things  i have forgotten ! iam not alone. i have my wonderful family and some dear friends and yoga which will always be there in my life and will teach me things more and more each day, yoga not only is for the body and mind it is for your overall health
and eventually  you will be at one and at peace with the self .

yoga is forever learning

yoga is nurturing
yoga is strength
yoga is love..



{photos taken by James and chelle green }

Friday, 6 September 2013

yoga and oesteoprosis

yoga is good for so many illnesses it is incredible , yoga is a miracle .which cant be bottled.
and is now  finally being recognized  medically as a natural treatment, in other words
yoga is an all rounder. i have recently researched how osteoporosis is helped by doing  yoga
and have found some great results, but you must be careful of which yoga poses you  do or you can cause yourself  a dreadful injury. the main problem with osteoporosis is balance which in turn causes falls , thus more bone breakage and increased bone weakness.. yoga recognizes this  and works on helping prevent
further injury and improves your balance and bone strength .
 the vitamins that are good for osteoporosis are :-
vitamins D3, K2,  and vitamin D
also fish oil, krill oil, magnesium and caltrate with vitamin D. bear in mind to always ask your health care professional before starting any form of health supplements.
to increase  your vitamin D level the sun is the best source of vitamin D but must be used carefully
for example. for fair  skin in summer
expose arms and legs mid-morning - mid-afternoon    {5-10 mins}

in winter expose arms and legs
mid-morning - mid-afternoon {7- 30 mins }

for darker skin in summer
expose arms and legs mid-morning or mid-afternoon {15- 60 mins }

in winter expose arms and legs
mid-morning or mid-afternoon {20 mins -3 hours }

here are some gentle yoga asanas/poses that will benefit you.
the warm up and warm down poses/ asanas are

knee to chest pose

back stretch

relaxation pose

your yoga workout asanas are

mountain pose
improves posture, strengthens thighs

upward salute
fights fatigue, relieves indigestion, alleviates back aches,
stretches abdominals, stretches shoulders and armpits, relieves mild anxiety.

chair pose
strengthens lower back  and quadriceps ,stretches chest, shoulders ,arms and hamstrings
relieves stress and tension reduces flat feet

tree pose
strengthens thighs, calves, ankles and spine.
strengthens groin inner thighs , chest, and shoulders
improves sense of balance relieves sciatica, reduces flat feet

warrior 1 pose strengthens arms, shoulders, thighs, ankles and back, strengthens hips -
flexors  , abdominals expands chest, lungs  develops stamina , improves sense of balance.

warrior 11 pose
strengthens legs and ankles stretches legs, ankles,groins,chest and shoulders.
stimulates digestion increases stamina, relieves backache  relieves carpal tunnel syndrome
relieves  sciatica.

triangle pose
strengthens thighs, knees,ankles,hips, groins , hamstrings, calves  , shoulders , chest, spine
relieves stress stimulates digestion, relieves the symptoms of menopause, relieves backache.

be sure to do your warm down poses after each yoga workout