Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Rheumatoid / oesto - Arthritis and yoga

Rheumatoid Arthritis  can affect  your whole body  overtime , it is is a horrible illness to have.
so when I found out about a family member  having this dreadful thing I decided to look into
how yoga fared  with surprising results .
yoga surprises me every day , studies are being done as we speak , and so far so good ! they cant do a placebo  because there is not one  of course! so far they have found  people  with Rheumatoid  Arthritis  are in less pain while doing yoga and can handle and cope with their pain better than those who weren't doing yoga  so as i said before so far so good there are yoga exercises out there  for Rheumatoid Arthritis and here they are!

  • single leg stretches

  • shoulder stretches
  • standing side stretches
  • wrist bends
  • ankle bends
  • the corpse pose

  • fish oil
  • Caltrate { calcium supplement}
  • evening primrose oil
  • magnesium
  • Multi  Vitamins such as centruim   
  • vitamin B complex
the dosage of the vitamins should be on the packaging 
also a zinc or copper bracelet may help for the wrists .
you should try and sit outside for 15 mins a day in the sun
exposing your arms and legs  to help with your vitamin D levels 

avoid these foods because they can inflame your arthritis and cause you pain.
  • paprika
  • tomatoes 
  • potatoes
  • eggplant
  • peppers 
these are all part of the nightshade family also they say in the drinks department to avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee i will also add  cola at it has caffeine in it. also i was told to stop drinking cola to save my teeth so i did with great hardship.
you can never hurt yourself in yoga it is one of the safest forms of  exercises out there . Yoga is not about  pushing yourself it is about having a great relaxing  time all the while helping your joints become stronger.
yoga is never about who comes first because we all get there in the end  and yoga is not all chants or om's  or hums , you don't always have to twist yourself  in half either. as some people like to believe.  it is about having our own  relationship  with yoga , looking after yourself for a change instead of shoving yourself to the side all the time. yoga can change this and  does. thus  having more energy so you can give more time to the family and have a better quality of life.
James my husband  says don't be a Marta and dare i say it he is right , he says  the less pain i am in with my oesto arthritis the better i will  be {and the same applies to you!}

i should shut up now or he will get a fat head and won't be able to fit through the door .
James doesn't mind me writing this because he is the editor after all !

some people have know idea where to start  to look for a yoga class  or how to go about it  like i did when i first started  i just decided to  try yoga i knew nothing about it this was years ago  i did some things right and some things wrong. here is what you do. 

  •   go to your Dr and ask for his /her advice on what you can or  cant do
  • look for a yoga class in your area   
  • tell your instructor about any health problems you may have and they will help you accordingly don't be embarrassed that is what they are there for .                 
I didn't feel comfortable  in a yoga class  so i stopped going and stopped  yoga altogether  until 2007.
as i didn't realize what was out there . i had no idea  there was such a range of DVD's from beginners to advanced when i  received my first yoga  DVD i was in heaven! and it was a beginners one!
i started off slowly and have never looked back And Yes! i asked my Dr first who would have thought you can do yoga in your  own home, i never would have.

to get the benefits of yoga set yourself a program.
my Dr recommends three times a week  but that's for me even if you start gradually that is fine but stick to it.set the scene.

  • shut the curtains/ blinds 
  • put your oil burner on with lavender oil or whatever is calming to you 
  • wear loose clothing.
  • and always use your yoga Matt  if you don't have a yoga Matt use a blanket or towel  in the meantime
(NOTE after your yoga routine  have a warm radox bath or shower
yoga is not a cure it eases your pain 
if you have arthritis or oesto arthritis, rheumatoid      
arthritis keep warm 
never go barefoot  anywhere without some form of footwear 
your feet must always be kept warm
sandles for summer , closed in shoes for winter
always consult your Dr before doing any form of exercise }



{photos taken by James and chelle green)

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