Tuesday, 19 February 2013

anxiety and yoga

my mind is full of anxiety today and keeps the same old record
of what happened of late. This happens to all of us  when we grieve .
or when  our depression is bad. so i took my own advice for a change ,
and did a yoga workout, it was great during my  yoga workout the ruminating
was slowly stopping and eventually it did i went into a  wonderful meditative
state just  listened  to the instructions on the DVD  and emerced  myself into it
even the birds were quiet . which  was even better my mind is now quiet
,i feel so relaxed not anxious anymore i just feel  lovely and refreshed.
i am even getting my appetite back i had lost it today through the anxiety
i am still working on my yoga breathing  sometimes Iam spot on and other times
i am completely off it is so frustrating at times.
i will keep going  because the benefits of yoga are amazing
one thing i have noticed about yoga is yoga helps you through anything
it is always there for you if you want it, it is your one constant thing in your life
for example {your stability} yoga will never  leave you once start it you can always go back
to it.

yoga will never judge you our make fun or hurt you
yoga is here to give you peace,tranquility,
and love.

if you have depression , anxiety
always use your medication along

with your daily yoga workout.

{photos and art by james green }

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

the gift of meditation

when you  first start meditation you think you will be able to first go,                          
but that is not the case  it takes plenty of practice before you have any results.
 but be patient  don't beat   yourself up over it because it does happen.
and it really makes you feel good the benefits are amazing .
this is what i found when i first started meditation at 12 yrs old.
because of the bullying i was enduring at school, so after school i would take myself
into my room put my CD on and meditate.
i always have been  very sensitive and thought i would try  meditation

and this  is what i have found from my own experience through the years

  • feeling happier
  • refreshed
  • calmer
  • less seizures
  • more energy
  • being able to handle situations  better.
for those of a sensitive nature

  • you become very sensitive to those around you
  • pick up other peoples energies
  • your perception is heightened 
  • your visual skills become clearer.
meditation not only makes you feel good .
it also  gets  you to work out any emotional
issues you  maybe holding onto with this you may feel

  • angry
  • extra sensitive
  • moods may go up and down
  • feeling tired,depressed and sometimes all at the same time
but all this is normal old memories coming to the surface
that you thought you may have buried or got rid of just remember
it is just a process and once this finishes
you will find meditation is a wonderful thing to do.
i know i have !
james said to me this morning why did we ever stop all i could say was i have no idea
to me meditation is one of the wonders of life and a gift.
meditation is something  that has been given to us so use it and cherish it
 that is what we are doing so why don't you.....

i thought  i would give you something to ponder over
the test of zen is finding the still
center within, even during the most hectic
times of our lives.

{anonymous }

if you have  been
practicing silent
meditation but when
 you are in the midst of
activity your mind is still
not calm and free, this
means you have not
gained anything from
your silent meditation.

by { Dabui }

heaven and hell are in the mind.
when the mind is always empty, you journey
from place to place in the country of the
Buddhas.when the mind is always moving,
you travel from one hell to the next hell.

by{ Bodihidharma}


 {photos taken by chelle green}