Wednesday, 12 December 2012

wise words from Buddha / some zen and some yoga

{Inverted leg Asana ,helps prevent varicose  veins}

my yoga workouts are coming along nicely , my stomach is pulled in  but  i'm  still having trouble with some asanas . But hey ! i am not perfect . Doing yoga is so relaxing .
while on our afternoon walk we saw a lady on a bridge  with her bike doing her yoga routine  she was looking out to sea  she looked so peaceful.She didn't care  who was walking by.
I know of  so many sad people of late it is so sad  over  this joyous time , because of yoga i have noticed  my perception  is right up and i  can feel peoples  moods  as i walk past them ,  my sensitivity is through the roof.                                                                                  

Iam sitting  here  writing this  listening to Leonard Cohen with rain,thunder pounding down and lightning  darting around the sky, it's a grey old day but it is beautiful  .I haven't  felt this sensitive in years  or if ever .
 it is quite overwhelming .
this happens to me with meditation it is amazing how the two  coincide. James  is doing well and to help him with his recovery process  he  will be starting a pain management course in the new year .
James went to the Dr  the other day  and she said he is in perfect health which is fantastic news  for Christmas

                                                 some wise words  from Buddha!
Buddha says there are nine  causes of the premature , unexpected end to human life  the first five  of these are related to ones  diet and are listed below the others are related  to proper conduct..

  •  eating what should  not be eaten-foods which are out of season  or bad for you as an individual.
  • immoderate eating - consumption in excess of ones needs.
  •  eating contrary to  custom - eating  at odd  hours and eating a variety of  foods which are new to your body without  adjusting.
  • failure to discharge the  old before the arrival of the new - eating  before  you have finished  digesting the previous meal,    eating when you are not hungry
intentional retention of digested foods-basically  this means suppressing natural processes  such as belching,vomiting and gas as well as urination and bowel movements.

                here is a zen/ Buddhist  story i would love to share with you  it is called.
                                                 searching for sweetness

a man went to  visit  his guru  and found when he arrived  he found  the teacher sitting in the yard in front of
a massive pile of hot chilly  peppers . the teacher was  eating the chilies one by one tears of pain were running down his face and he was sobbing this is terrible.
when asked why he was doing this  his guru replied i am looking for the sweet one.
his actions exemplify the way  in which most of us spend  our lives we should know from past experience 
that the sweet one does not exist   but we continue  to search for our happiness in external objects  however the sum total of all the pleasures of the physical world are nothing  compared to the blissful state of meditation

my interpretation  of this is 

all of the material things  acquired in life are irrelevant in  in the search for your inner peace..

what is yours ? 



Friday, 7 December 2012

Christmas and yoga

Well the silly season is here with all the naughty things we all  love.
Christmas functions are happening and temptation is right in our path.
So you know what my advice is ? enjoy yourself go and eat it ! eat, drink , and be merry i say.
i can tell you just how you can without missing out on a single  thing.  This what i do when there is a buffet or Xmas function, family dinners or luncheons.,
i get a bit of everything on my plate so i only have to go up once . then for desert  i have a bit of cake or what ever i like within reason .I still do my yoga  and walk  Harriet in the afternoon and it works a treat

i like to relax  and have a good time over Xmas  and so should you.... If you  want a drink  or two catch a cab that is the best and safest  way to go  but remember  moderation is the key .

we hope you have a wonderful Xmas and a happy and safe new year