Saturday, 20 August 2016

out through injury / back from injury

well  what a year
  I have had injury after injury.
I was walking home from the hospital, and when , I was about to cross the road when
 all of a sudden  I met  the tarmac  , I tried getting up, but as I  tried I let out a primal  scream .
in utter agony .
thank goodness I  didn't fall  on the highway !!!!!
three months  later  after seeing the Dr , and  being on crutches, my foot still is not right
and still is in agony . so I went back and found out,
not only are my tendons  buggered, but after having an X-ray,  I  was told that I   have a 7mm bone growing out of the bone of my right foot  .
I'm pulling  my hair out  , through not being able to do yoga , I'm surprised  I'm not  bald !!!!
I  miss my  me time ,
it  is now august and my tendons  have healed.

I went to the podiatrist yesterday , and  she said
I can do my Hatha yoga  !!! I'm so excited!!!
the podiatrist said I also have to concentrate  on the balancing  on  one foot asanas
  such as the tree
she said do this while even brushing my teeth ! as
this will strengthen my  foot and ankles .
I see her  again  in a months time
and  as for the 7 mm  bone growing out the side of my foot
the  podiatrist thinks I have had this all my life  and have only aggravated  it  by my fall

the one foot  balancing asanas are 

the  tree

the eagle

the standing bow .

so back to having me time !!!
and enjoying  my hatha  yoga .
I cant wait .
