Monday, 14 January 2013

depression / and some wise words from the web of life

i had stopped yoga for a while because of my depression.
You know how it goes anything can trigger it off if the timings right .
And boy was this right !  what started  out as  beautiful  Christmas turned out to be a disaster.
well Iam not going to let this get me down it has got me down long enough this whole
business has hurt  my family and i  deeply .
with depression everything  comes to a holt and you can't  get motivated to do anything.
I have had a lot of therapy over the years  and the techniques  and the tools as the therapists call them
are  kicking in. i looked in the mirror this morning  and said as of today no more .
Iam not going to let this drama at Christmas  get to me, enough is enough  not now not ever,
the time has come to start afresh it is a new year and it is going to be a damned good one!
so as of tomorrow Iam going to  concentrate more on yoga.

Here is something  uplifting I saw a frog in our garden, I couldn't resist taking a photo of it and what a poser he turned out to be.

Here are some wise words  from the web of life.

All life is changing, all the forms of it, and we flow with the river,
we can digest it , as it were, as we flow, and feel no suffering.
Accept it and we are one with it,Resist  and we are hurt"

written by
Christmas Humphrey s

I had to put this in as well
I just couldn't resist

People are scared to empty their minds fearing
that they will be engulfed  by the void.
what they don't realize is that their own mind
is the void,"

written by
Huang- Po